Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I just read a book set in Nantucket and I'm dying to take a vacation there. I've been looking at vacation rentals and airline tickets. Here's why:

Wishing I could make it in time for the Harvest Fair on October 3rd. Maybe I'll get there by April for the Daffodil Festival.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Ceramics Class

I've signed up for a pottery class which starts September 15th at the Multi Arts Center here in Stillwater and I'm so ready for it to be here. We get to make 12 different projects and I'm really hoping mine turn out like this, though I'm trying to be realistic.

Crossing my fingers.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

New Eyes for Old Surroundings

I saw a post recently with a list of advice for a new college freshman. My heart started beating wildly at the thought of being in college again, no work tying me down, all the opportunity in the world at my doorstep. And then I realized my doorstep has hardly changed.

While a few had no application to my life, (I have no desire to kiss random boys even if they are cute) I forget how much opportunity lies a few blocks from my home. My apologies, Stillwater. Here are a few of my favorites from her list.

1.Go to all the free lectures and activities they offer, even if you are busy and tired.
8. Watch lots of foreign films and go to lots of concerts even if you don't have the money. That is what college is for.
11. If you can't get in a class you want because it is full--don't take no for an answer.
15. Find the girls that dress cool, make friends with them and ask them to help dress you. (speaking from experience here)
18. Get a Vespa.
20.Take art classes even if you aren't an art major. (This one might be me projecting my own regret.)

Today I research. Tomorrow I conquer. Foreign films, here I come.