Thursday, March 26, 2009


Read: Excerpt from Real Simple, March 2009.

5. Do look a gift horse in the mouth. My decorating tastes may change over time, but I am fairly certain I will never enjoy a home filled with a series of rhinestone-accented paintings of scary clowns. Yet I had hoarded these and other unattractive presents because I thought that was the decent thing to do. I also wasn’t sure what I would say if someone noticed his gift missing and asked why. Well, you know what? No one has. Not even the bestower of the scary clowns.

Enough said.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Don’t get me wrong, every person is worthy of your kindness.
But not every person is worthy of your strategic ongoing investment.
You are a limited supply of seed.
Be selective about who you sow into.

-Steven Furtick